جميع مواضيع التعبير للمرحلة الثانوية
أقدم لكم اليوم جميع مواضيع التعبير للمرحلة الثانوية في اللغة الإنجليزية
Eating Healthy Food
(We are what eat) (Healthy lifestyle) (The bad effects of fast foods)
It’s never been easier to eat healthily. Some people think that fast food is easier and cheaper than eating healthily. Actually, nothing is better than having the right food. Probiotic drinks like Yakult and Actimel are of great importance to lead a healthy life as they improve our immune system. They contain good bacteria, which help our digestive process to absorb nutrients.
Food and drinks, which contain antioxidants, are so good for our bodies. Antioxidants help combat diseases like cancer and arthritis . In addition, they lower the cholesterol and improve the general immune system. We can find antioxidants in green tea.
Some people follow a vegetarian diet so as to live a healthy lifestyle. Actually, a well-planned vegetarian diet can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children and teenagers. On the other hand, following a vegetarian menu irresponsibly can lead to malnutrition and health problems.
All in all, we need to have the RDA (The recommended daily allowance) of food elements like proteins, fats, minerals, water, iron, carbohydrates, and
It’s never been easier to eat healthily. Some people think that fast food is easier and cheaper than eating healthily. Actually, nothing is better than having the right food. Probiotic drinks like Yakult and Actimel are of great importance to lead a healthy life as they improve our immune system. They contain good bacteria, which help our digestive process to absorb nutrients.
Food and drinks, which contain antioxidants, are so good for our bodies. Antioxidants help combat diseases like cancer and arthritis . In addition, they lower the cholesterol and improve the general immune system. We can find antioxidants in green tea.
Some people follow a vegetarian diet so as to live a healthy lifestyle. Actually, a well-planned vegetarian diet can meet the needs of people of all ages, including children and teenagers. On the other hand, following a vegetarian menu irresponsibly can lead to malnutrition and health problems.
All in all, we need to have the RDA (The recommended daily allowance) of food elements like proteins, fats, minerals, water, iron, carbohydrates, and
The Culture of Peace
(Respecting Cultures)
People around the world, have very different lives and ways of living. People have different belief systems and usually live their lives according to what they believe to be right and wrong. We may be from different cultures but we are all of equal value. All cultures have a similar basic understanding about what is right and wrong. Learning to accept and respect other cultures is an important step that opens your mind to the world around you.
The Government of Kuwait has organized conferences, seminars and programmes to raise awareness and promote respect and understanding among Kuwaiti citizens. All in all, it isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it. It is said that “It’s different cultures that make the world go ’round at the end of the day”.
Building Impressive Buildings
impressive buildings to prove their economic power and prestige. There are many types of high buildings (Tower). Some of them are residential, governmental, commercial … ..etc . Building impressive buildings like these is important. These buildings attract people of all ages as they add beauty to the country. In addition to this, they attract tourists, which is good for the country’s economy.
Examples for some high – rise buildings in Kuwait are Kuwait Towers and 360° Kuwait. 360° shopping centre in Kuwait is described as monumental as it contains many shops. It is a relaxing and good place where people can enjoy a state -of- the -art entertainment.
Visitors can find the Techno Hub, Solar Garden, restaurants and activities for everyone. Furthermore, the family centre features the latest in edutainment technology.
Examples for some high – rise buildings in Kuwait are Kuwait Towers and 360° Kuwait. 360° shopping centre in Kuwait is described as monumental as it contains many shops. It is a relaxing and good place where people can enjoy a state -of- the -art entertainment.
Visitors can find the Techno Hub, Solar Garden, restaurants and activities for everyone. Furthermore, the family centre features the latest in edutainment technology.
Building a New Airport in Your Area
An example of impressive buildings is the airport, which can be profitable. Some people are for while others are against building an airport. Those who are for state that travel will be easier to other countries. In addition, it will strengthen the economic growth of the country. Also, building a new airport will bring more money for the country. Furthermore, people won’t go very far to reach the airport.
On the other hand, those who are against claim that it will bring more noise to the area. Also, it is bad for the weather. In addition, it will bring more traffic to the region and the area’s dwellers might get annoyed.
All in all, it is now clear that building a new airport has merits and demerits. As I see, airports should be built away from schools. They should also be built away from residential areas.
Focus on Traditional Dress in Kuwait
The Ghutra is a square scarf made of cotton. Not only is the Ghutra worn formally but also it can be worn casually, depending on the wearer’s desire. The Igal is a doubled black cord that is used to secure the Ghutra in place. The Dishdasha is an important symbol of equality and is so suited to the climate of the Middle East. The Dishdasha is sometimes also accompanied by a Bisht. This loose robe is worn on top of the Dishdasha, especially in colder weather.
The question is ; Why do Kuwaitis and other Gulf countries still wear traditional dress? The answer is so easy; simply, they take pride in their culture and traditions.
Furthermore, it has Islamic roots which all Muslim countries stick to.
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