تحميل Family and Friends 6 class book برابط مباشر

أغسطس 17, 2021

 Family and Friends 6 class book 

Family and Friends 6 class book

تحميل كتاب  الطالب Family and Friends 6 class book للصف السادس ابتدائي بصيغة pdf ,مطابق لمنهاج الدول العربية ,ااعام الدراسي الحالي 

المحتوى :

the children cleaned yp the river in the wildlife park later they were on tv

they did a first aid course then they helped a man who was in trouble

they watched a football match they had the best

مرحبا بعودتك welcome back

you’re back from your break in the sun and there’s lots of work in store.

.now it’s back to school once more

…you’re sad your holiday’s done

وحدة ثانية المغامرة الرياضية sports adventures

وحده الثالثه وقت المهرجان festival time…يقضى اكثر الناس في المهرجان

خارجا ويتناولون الغداء ويلعبون اطفالهم ويتسوقون ويشاهدون العروض ..

it’s festival time fireworks are up in the sky they whizzing and banaing and

making a scene of lovely …people are oute in the town they’re laughing and

dancing and clapping their hands to listen music and fav bands

write the dates when the person was born and died

حل وحدة family and friend 6 الثانية

louies was born frane had on accident and went blind whene

… he was ten he went to a school for blind children

today you’re all explores

قصة يوم عاصف في البحر

they are marked on the map you have three hours ..at the end the group with the flags wins

tonya street grew up on grand cayman island

the middle of the caribbean

the sport was child she loved being in the sea and she spent was child

she also liked diving deep down into the ocean to sea lif

if you like chocolate you will love takes place in october every in perugain

the gilroy is one of the largest food takes place every yeat in girloy

من محتوى الدروس وقت المهارات skills time

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