قواعد Grammar التعليمية شاملة في الإنجلزية
أقدم لكم اليوم موضوع رائع لتعليم قواعد اللغة الانجليزية للمبتدئين أتمنى أن يفيدكم
Tenses الأزمنة
Present simple المضارع البسيط
Uses الاستخدام
It's used to expressتستخدم للتعبير عن
1- habits عادات
I walk to the bus stop every day.
2- facts الحقائق
The earth goes round the sun.
3- repeated actionsالأحداث المتكررة في الوقت الحاضر
We often visit grandmother on Friday.
للطائرات\ القطارات\ لمؤتمرات Fixed dates4- يستخدم المضارع البسيط للتعبير عن المستقبل للتعبير عن مواعيد مححدة
My plane leaves at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
The exam starts at nine o'clock tomorrow.
ليشير للمستقبل After , Before\ As soon as\ when \ If5- يستخدم المضارع البيسط بعد كلمات الربط الدالة على الزمن
As soon as
After he finishes his school, he will travel abroad.
When the taxi arrives , they will go to the station.
My sister will graduate next year.then she will get married. ( After)
After my sister graduates, she will get married.
Tense indicators الكلمات الدالة عليه
Usuallyعادة alwaysدائما oftenغالبا sometimesأحيانا every كل (day- week-month..)
Everدوما never أبدأ rarely نادرا scarcelyنادرا frequently بشكل متكرر generally بوجه عام
Occasionally من حين لأخر once a week\ twice a month ….
(Usually- always- often- sometimes-rarely- scarcely- occasionallyالكلمات الدالة على المضارع البسيط (
(Am-is-are) v-to- be تأتي قبل الفعل الأساسي و بعد
He usually walks to school.
She never tells lies.
My sister often runs in the morning.
He is never lat. Isتأتي بعد never
Amany is always clever is تأتي بعد always
كلمات أخري مكن أن تأتي في بداية الجملة \ نهايتها
Every day\every week, sometimes\ usually
He usually visits his uncle on Fridays. Usually he visits his uncle on Fridays
She sometimes plays music on Monday. Sometimes she plays music on Monday
We go to school everyday. Everyday we go to school
How often الكلمات الدالة على المضارع البسيط نسأل عنها ب
Form التكوين
Sub + inf المصدر ( s-es)
(I they-we- you- pl) تتكون الجملة في المضارع البسيط من المصدر الفعل مع
(He- she-it singular noun)مع s\ es وتضاف للمصدر
I live in Cairo.
She enjoys reading science fiction stories.
My child goes to school on foot everyday.
Plants need water to grow.
Passive form
Obj + am-is-are + pp + by + فاعل
She cleans the flat everyday.(is)
The flat is cleaned every day by her.
The farmer waters the plants one a week. (are) ( watered)
The plants are watered once a week by the farmer.
الطريقة الأولي
توضع قبل الفعل مع تحويل الفعل للمصر doesn't أو don't 1- تنفي الجملة في زمن المضارع ابسيط بكلمة
Sub + don't\ doesn't + inf
( I- they- we – you- plural nounمع ( don't تستخدم
( He-she- it- singular noun(مع doesn'tتستخدم
Mona plays tennis once a week. (not)
Mona doesn't play tennis once a week.
They help their mother with the house work. (not)
They don't help their mother with the house work.
عند النفي نحول الأتي
Some any
A lot of much\ many
Too\also\as wellأيضا either
So+فعل مساعد + فعال neither +فعل مساعد+ فاعل
Somebody anybody
Someone anyone
Something anything
الطريقة الثانية للنفي
توضع قبل الفعل مع عدم تغير الفعل neverتنفي الجملة باستخدام كلمة
She always tells lies.
She never tells lies.
نقدم الفعل المساعد على الفاعل Never\ rarely\ scarcely اذا بدأنا الجمل ب
Never +فعل مساعد +فاعل + فعل
Rarely\scarcely +فعل مساعد +فاعل +فعل
He never eats breakfast at work.
Never does he eat work at school.
Hani rarely walks to school.
Rarely does Hani walk to school.
Sub+ doesn't\ doesn't + inf + obj
Obj + isn't \ aren't + pp + by +فاعل
Saimra doesn't watch Tv in the morning. (isn't)
TV isn't watched by Samira in the morning.
Forming question تكوين السؤال
Yes, No question 1- سؤال معناه هل
على الفاعل مع تحويل الفعل للمصدر Do\ does يتم تكونه يتقديم الفعل المساعد
Do \ does + sub + inf…?
Yes, I enjoy reading
Do you enjoy reading?
Yes, the sun rises in the morning
Does the sun rise in the morning?
No, they don't go to work on Friday.
Do they go to work on Friday?
Paasive المبني للمجهول
Do\ does + sub + inf + obj …?
Is\ are + obj + pp + by + فاعل?
Does Hala iron her clothes daily? (are)
Are Hala's clothes ironed daily by her?
Does he use a computer in his work? (Is)
Is a computer used in his work?
( subjectالسؤال عن الفاعل ( ***
who *** اذا كان الفاعل اسم عاقل نسأل عنه ب
What اذا كان الفاعل اسم غير عاقل نسأل عنه ب ***
أو صاشف whoو ذلك بحذف الفاعل و نضع مكانه
How manyاذا كان الفاعل يبدأ برقم نسأل عن الرقم ب ***
Which اذا بدأ الفاعل بصفة نسأل عن الصفة بصفة نسأل عن الصفة ب***
The doctor examines the patients.
Who examine the patients?
The sun gives us light.
What gives us light?
Eleven players form a football team.
How many players form a football team?
Clever boys always get high marks.
Which boys get high marks?
Who + inf ...+ obj?
By whom + is\are + obj + pp?
Who is\ are + obj + pp +by?
Who tidies the office everyday? (is)
By whom is the office tidied everyday?
Who is the office tidied everyday?
(verbالسؤال عن الفعل (
في نفس زمن الجملةdo (تحل محل الفعل) بحيث تكون do و الفاعل و و الفعل المساعد What, أي فعل نسأل عنه ب
What - do\ does +sub فاعل + do?
My sister watches TV in the evening.
What does your sister do in the evening?
The nurse helps the doctor. (what)
What does the nurse do?
( objectالسؤال عن المفعول (
يتم تحديد الفعل المساعد
Question word do\ does Subjectفاعل Inf المصدر ?
الكلمة التي نسأل عنها لا تتكرر في السؤال
I get up at six o'clock. ( what time)
What time do you get up?
We go to school to learn. (why)
Why do you go to school?
The armer works on the farm. (where)
Where does the farmer work?
Question word do\ does Subjectفاعل Inf المصدر Obj
Question word is\ are Obj مفعول Pp تصريف الثالث by + فاعل?
Where do you keep your books? (are)
Where are your books kept?
What does she buy at the market?
What's bought at the market?
Usually – habit – be used to
Sub + usually + inf ( s-es)
It's صفة ملكية habit to + inf
صفة ملكية habit + is to + inf
Sub + is\ are + in the habit of + v ing
Sub + am\is\ are + used to + v ing
Amira usually gets high mark.
Amira is used to getting high marks.
Amira's habit is to get high marks.
Occasionally = from time to time As usual = usually All the time= always
اذا وجد في الجملة صفة اسم- عمر-جنسية- وظيفه- لون- ظرف مكان ( Am-is-are( v- to- be يستخدم
He is a clever
They are doctors.
Is he at home now?
Are you ill?
Am I wrong , Samy?
Past simple الماضي البسيط
Use الاستخدام
**it's used to expressتستخدم للتعبير عن
1- an action that began and finished in the past.حدث بدأ و انتهي في الماضي
I bough a new car last week.
2- a past habitعادة في الماضي
When I was young , I played football everyday.
Hani always walked to school when he was young.
ليشير إلى أحداث غير محتملة في الوقت الحاضر If يستخدم الماضي البسيط قاعدة
If + past simple sub + would + inf
If they played well, they would win the match. (they really don't play well)
( After- as soon- as-when- the moment)يستخدم الماضي البسيط بعد كلمات الربط الدالة على الزمن ليشير للماضي
After\ as soon as when + past simple …………past simple
After I did my homework, I watched TV
When he arrived at the station, the train had left
Tense indicators :
Yesterday أمس last الماضي in the past في الماضي agoمنذ One day ذات يوم once ذات مرة once upon a timeكان ياما كان the other dayمنذ يومين From….to…من ..... إلى .. in سنة في الماضي
the last time أخرة مرة first أول مرة last أخر مرة earlier this morning
Sub + verb in the pastفعل في الماضي( التصريف الثاني)
Soha watched TV last night.
My grandfather studied many subjects at school.
The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids.
Passive المبني للمجهول
Obj مفعول + was\ were + pp by + فاعل
Omnia sent the letter yesterday. (was)
The letter was sent yesterday by omnia.
The farmer watered the plants last Sunday. (were)
The plants were watered by the farmer.
Used to اعتاد أن Used to- habit
Sub + always \ usually + v in the past
Sub + was in the habit of + v ing
Sub 's habit was to + inf
It was صفة ملكية + habit + to inf
Sub + used to + inf
When he was young, he walked to school every day.
When he was young he used to walk to school.
Ola always helped her mum when she was young.
Ola used to help her mum when she was young.
Samy's habit was to take exercise in the morning.
Samy used to take exercise in the morning.
Two days ago= the other day
Sub + vi in the past……..two days ago. (the other)
Sub + v in the past ……the other day
Last = the last time
Sub + last + v in the past +
The last time sub + v in the past + was
Negative النغي
توضع قبل الفعل مع تحويل الفعل للمصدر didn't بكلمة Past simple تنغي الجملة في زمن
Sub+ didn't + inf
الطريقة الثانية للنفي
توضع قبل الفعل مع عدم تغير الفعل neverتنفي الجملة باستخدام كلمة
Sub + never + verb in the past
He never came late when he was a student.
She never took a taxi to her work.
Sub + didn't + inf + obj
Obj + was\ were + pp by فاعل
Amira didn't sweep the floor. ( wasn't )
The floor wasn't swept.
Forming question تكوين السؤال
Yes, No question 1- سؤال معناه هل
على الفاعل مع تحويل الفعل للمصدر Did يتم تكوينه بتقديم الفعل المساعد
Did + sub + inf……?
مع اجراء التحويلات الأتية
Some………. any a lot of …………much\ many never……..ever\ always
I Me My Mine Myself
You you Your yours Yourself
Yes, she won a gold medal.
Did she win a gold medal.
No, she didn't go to school yesterday.
Did she go to school yesterday?
Passiveالمبني للمجهول
Did sub + inf + obj?
Was\ were + obj + pp + by + فاعل?
Did the thief rob the flat? (was)
Was the flat robbed by the thief?
( subjectالسؤال عن الفاعل (***
The boy broke the window.
Who broke the window
The cat ate the meat on the plate.
What ate the meat on the plate?
Five children got full marks
How many children got full marks?
The bad man was put in prison.
Which man was put in prison?
Passive المبني للمجهول
***Who + v in the past + obj?
***By whom was\ were + obj + pp?
**Who was \were + objمفعول + pp + by?
Who mended the bike yesterday?
By whom was the bike mended?
Who was the bike mended by?
(verbالسؤال عن الفعل (
What - did +sub فاعل + do?
I went to the zoo last Friday. (what)
What did you do last Friday?
Amal wrote an e-mail yesterday (what)
What did Amal do yesterday?
( objectالسؤال عن المفعول (
Question word Did Subjectفاعل Inf المصدر ?
الكلمة التي نسأل عنها لا تتكرر في السؤال
I bought a car last week. (when)
When did you buy a car?
Mum went to the market by taxi. (How
How did mum go to the market?
Question word did Subjectفاعل Inf المصدر Obj
When did Samy paint the flat? (was)
How did they solve their problems?
Question word Was\were Obj مفعول Pp تصريف الثالث by + فاعل?
When was the flat painted by samy?
How were their problems solved?
When did sub + inf ….? ( How long)
How long ago did sub + inf …..?
How long is it since + sub + verb in the past?
Unreal past الماضي غير الحقيقي
يستخدم الماضي البسيط بعد بعض التعبيرات و لكنه لا يشير إلى زمن الماضي و لكنه إلى المضارع و يسمي ماضي عير حقيقي
و يستخدم الماضي عير الحقيقي بعد
في الحالة الثانية للتعبير عن شيء غير محتمل حدوثه في الوقتالحاضر If ***بعد قاعدة
If + past simple ( sub + v in the past) …………… sub + would + inf
He isn't rich so he can't buy a car.( if)
If he were rich he would but a car.
Mona doesn't get up early so she can't catch the bus.
If Mona got up early, she would catch the bus (من غير المحتمل أن نلحق مني بالقطار لأنها لا تستيقظ مبكر أبد)
اذا جاء بعدها جملة I'd rather بعد ***
I'd rather + sub + v in the past ( now- at the moment…..)
I'd rather you bought this cat it's very modern.
I'd rather you did't use mobile phones during the lesson.
عند التعبير عن التمني في الوقت الحاضر***
I wish \ If only + sub + v in the past.
The weather is hot today
I wish the weather weren't hot today
It's high time + sub + v in the past ***اذا وجد في الجملة you should stop smoking . ( if ) ( rather) (it's high time)
If I were you, I'd stop smoking
It's high time you stopped smoking
I'd rather you stopped smoking.
اذا تبعها جملة supposeبعد
Suppose + sub + v in the past
Suppose you could sole this problem now
Suppose you got there late. What would you do?
Present continuous المضارع المستمر
Use الاستخدام
It's used to expressيستخدم للتعبير عن
1- an action that is happening nowحدث يحدث الأن
He is working on his farm now.
Look ! he is playing football.
2-future plans خطط مستقبلية an action that's an arranged for the future.
Mona is traveling to Luxor tomorrow. (Every thing is arranged.)
We are buying a car next week. (We have arranged every thing.)
Changing the habit عند تغير العادة مؤقتا
I have tea every morning but this morning I'm having coffee
Tense indicators
Now الأن look!انظر listen !انصت at the present timeفي الوقت الحاضر
At the momentفي هذه اللحظة stillمازال keep quiet! اهدأ Keep silent
(But )today اليوم she is busy. She is cooking .
في المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن عادة سيئة Always يمكن أستخدام كلمة
He is always making noise. You are always asking for money.
Sub + am\ is\ are + v ing
Keep quite! Your dad is sleeping.
Huda is reading a story t the moment.
I walk to school very day but today I'm riding a bike.
I can't answer the phone. I'm having a shower.
ملحوظة هامة
أفعال الحواس\ الادراك و الملكية و العاطفة لا توضع في الأزمنة المستمرة
أفعال الحواس See- hear- tasteله مذاق - smellله رائحة-يعطي رائحة feel يعطي ملمس soundيبدو
NB the food tastes nice the flower smells wonderful
The knife feels sharp.
He is tasting the foodهو يتذوق الطعام she is smelling the flowerهي تشم الزهور
Seeيري seeيفهم \يزور
I can't see without my glasses.
I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow.
Look يبدو look ينظر
This picture looks nice. Mona looks tired today.
He is looking at the picture.
أفعال الادراك Know – realizeيدرك - recogniseيتعرف على understand يفهم think يعتقد
Thinkيعتقد (لا توضع في الأزمنة المستمرة ) thinkيفكر ( توضع في الأزمنة المستمرة
I think he is clever. What do you think of him?
She is thinking about her future.
What are thinking about?
أفعال الملكية Have- own- possessيمتلك \لديه - belong toيخص \ينتمي
***He has a car nowهو لديه سيارة الأن ( لا توضع في المضارع المستمر)
***I have two brothers now
***He is having tea\ coffee. (هو يتناول الشاي\ القهوة)
أفعال العاطفة Like – hate- love- detestيمقت wantيريد would like - prefer
Still- yet
She still works in this school. (حقيقة)
He is sill doing his homework. (حدث مستمر الأن
Sub + am\is-are + still + ving
Sub + haven't\ hasn't finished + ving + yet.
yet و نضع في نهاية الجملة Haven't\ hasn't finished و نضع مكانها Still نحذف
Mona is still doing the homework.
Mona hasn't finished doing the homework yet.
Sub + am\is\ are + v ing + obj مفعول
Obj +مفعول am\is\are + being + pp + by+ فاعل
Negative النفي
am\is\are توضع بعد notتنفي الجملة بكلمة
Sub + am\is\ are + not + v ing
Forming question تكوين السؤال
Yes, No question 1- سؤال معناه هل
Am\is\are + sub + v ing…?
Yes, I'm playing football.
Are you playing football.
No, he isn't watching TV.
Is he watching TV?
Is \are + subفاعل + v ing + objمفعول?
Is\ are + objمفعول + being + pp+ by + subفاعل ?
Is the mechanic mending the car? ( being)
Is the car being mended by the mechanic?
(verbالسؤال عن الفعل (
What am\is\are sub فاعل doing بقية الجملة ?
Ola and Abeer are watching a film( what)
What are Ola and Abeer doing?
( objectالسؤال عن المفعول (
Question word Am\is\are Subjectفاعل V ing ?
الكلمة التي نسأل عنها لا تتكرر في السؤال
They are traveling to Paris . (where)
Where are they traveling?
I'm playing with my friend Ali. (who)
Who are you playing with?
Arranged = am\ais\are+ v ing
Sub + has arranged to + inf
Sub + has made the arrangement to + ing
Sub + am\is\are + v ing
Moan has arranged everything to travel to London tomorrow Mona is traveling to London tomorrow.
Everything is arranged for her marriage next month. (getting)
His arrival is arranged to be next Friday .He is arriving next Friday.
Past continuous الماضي المستمر
Use الاستخدام
It's used to expressيستخدم للتعبير عن
1*an action that was happening at a certain time in the past.حدث كان مستمر في وقت محدد في الماضي
We were going to school at 8o'clock yesterday.
2***a continuous action that was interrupted by another action in the past.
حدث مستمر و قطعه حدث أخر في لماضي(حدث تم في منتصف حدث أخر)
Mona brunt her self while she was cooking lunch.
Tense indicators
Asبينما whileبينما just asبينما whenعندما
Yesterday morningصباح أمس yesterday afternoonبعد ظهر أمس
Yesterday eveningمساء أمس all day yesterdayطول اليوم أمس all evening\ morning yesterday
This time yesterday\ last weekفي مثل هذا الوقت أمس \ الأسبوع الماضي
Sub +
The children were sleeping all day yesterday.
Hala was dusting the flat yesterday afternoon
Ali was listening to music at 5 yesteday.
Objمفعول +
Samira was washing the dishes yesterday morning . (being)
The dishes were being washed yesterday morning by Samira.
ملحوظة هامة
أفعال الحواس\ الادراك و الملكية و العاطفة لا توضع في الأزمنة المستمرة
Negative النفي
Was\ were توضع بعد notتنفي الجملة بكلمة
Sub + was\ were + not + v ing
Some any
A lot of much+اسم غير معدود\ many+اسم جمع
Too\also\as wellأيضا eitherأيضا (في النفي)
So+فعل مساعد + فعال neither +فعل مساعد+ فاعل
Somebody anybody
Someone anyone
Something anything
Examples :
Mona is buy some fruit.(not)
Mona is not buying any fruit.
Amira is carrying a lot of books (not)
Amira isn't carrying many books.
Forming question تكوين السؤال
Yes, No question 1- سؤال معناه هل
Was \were+ sub + inf + ing…?
Yes, Samia was cooking lunch.
Was soha cooking lunch?
No, I wasn't watching TV.
Were you watching TV?
Was\ were + subفاعل + v ing + objمفعول?
Was\ Were + objمفعول + being + pp+ by + subفاعل ?
Was the mechanic mending the car? ( being)
Was the car being mended by the mechanic?
Who was fixing the window? (being)
By whom was the window being fixed?
(verbالسؤال عن الفعل (
What Was\ were sub فاعل doing بقية الجملة ?
Ola and Abeer were watching a film( what)
What were Ola and Abeer doing?
( objectالسؤال عن المفعول (
Question word Was\ were Subjectفاعل V ing+ بقية الجملة ?
الكلمة التي نسأل عنها لا تتكرر في السؤال
Ahmed was going to the market yesterday morning ( when)
When was Ahmed going to the market?
While قاعدة - As= just as
***اذا كان الحدثان مستمران في نفس الوقت في الماضي
While Past continuousماضي مستمر
Sub + was\ were + v ing
Past continuousماضي مستمر
Sub + was\ were + v ing
Father was reading the newspaper. At the same time, Ali was watching TV ( while )
While father was reading the paper, Ali was watching TV.
اذا كان جدث مستمر في الماضي و قطعه حدث أخر في الماضي( الحدث تم في منتصف الحدث)***
While Past continuous
Sub+ was\ were + ving
Past simple
Sub + v in the past
While I was studying my lessons , the light went out.النور انقطع بينما أنا كنت أذاكر( في منتصف المذاكرة)
The telephone rang while he was sleeping
V ing يتبعها While اذا لم يوجد فاعل بعد ***
While V + ing Past simple\ past continuous
While running to school, he fell down
The thief broke into her flat while sleeping.
لاحظ هذه الجمل( الفاعل لم يستطع \لم يفعل شيء لأنه كان مشغول بشيء أخر)
I didn't hear the phone because I was sleeping.
She couldn't concentrate because she was listening to music
When قاعدة
Past continuous و الأخر ماضي مستمر When تربط حدثين ي الماضي أحدهما ماضي بسيط و يأتي بعد when
When Past simpleماضي بسيط
Sub + v in the past
Past continuous
Sub + was\ were + v ing
When Mona phoned yesterday, I was washing the dishes.
بين الجملتين يتبعها الماضي البسيط أولا When اذا استخدمت
Past continuous
Sub + was\ were + v ing
When Past simpleماضي بسيط
Sub + v in the past
Hani was driving to Cairo when he had an accident.
While مثل past continuousويتبعها ماضي مستمر When ملحوظة : يمكن أن نستخدم في بعض الجمل
When he was going home , he found a wallet.
When he was driving to Alex, the car broke down.
While + on + اسم ,………………….
While on holiday , he had many adventures.
When – on
\ noun\ vingيتبعها On و ( Sub + verbيتبعها جملة (when
اسم nounأو V+ ingيتبعها Onعند
On نضع بدلا منها When نحذف
نحذف الفاعل أو نحول الفاعل لصفة ملكية
اسم nounأو Ving نحول الفعل إلى
I He She They We You
My his Her Their Our Your
When he arrived in Paris, he phoned his family. (On)
On his arrival in Paris, he phoned his family.
On arriving in Paris, he phoned his family.
While -During
( Sub + was\ were + v ing بينما) يتنبها جملة في الماضي المستمر ()While ***
While sub + was\ were + v ing ,……………………………..
Noun أثناء) يتبعها اسم )during
During ( the meeting- the lesson- the match- her stay- his visit- the film- the flight- the voyage- our trip…….)
During the film, I fell aasleep. ( while)
While I was watching the film, I fell a sleep.
During her stay in London, she learned English.
While she was staying in London, she learned English.
While نكون جملة في الماضي المستمر بعد During بدلا من While عند استخدام
During + صفة ملكية +noun,……………..
While + sub + was\ were + v ing ,………………..
On the way to = while
On the way to + مكان ,…………………………
While sub + was\ were + going to+مكان
On the way to the school, I met my friends. (while)
While I was going to school, I met my friends.
While they were going to mansura , the car broke down (On the way to..)
On their way to Mansura, the car broke down.